COVID vaccine and working out

I got Moderna (shot 1) on Tuesday…a week ago. Side effects: somewhat subtle; sore to the touch arm, “allergy eyes”; slightly elevated temperature (kind of a warm rush) and my old injuries: felt all of them somewhat…that seems to happen every time I get a bug). I also had slightly diminished energy.

I still walked; a training walk yesterday and a social one this morning (5K, 2 miles respectively) and also lifted today.

As usual, Lynn was good company (masks, social distance)

The walk: it did ache early yesterday; today: slight.

Shoulder: some tenderness…I did cut the bench press short as my shoulder is not ready to be challenged in that position, yet.

The weights:

pull ups: 10 singles, 10, 10 singles, 6, 6, 5, 2, 3 (2 were chin grip..these might be ok)

rotator cuff (lots) and hip hikes

bench: 10 x 94, 10 x 114, 5 x 134, 3 x 145 (cut short..wrong kind of pain on rep 3), 5 x 134

rows: 3 sets of 10 x 134

shoulder press: adjusted the spotter arms up: 10 x 99, 10 x 99, 10 x 105

curls: 3 sets of 10 x 50 (?)

shoulder will take a while.

28 March: 1 year plus

The day: deadlifts, walk with Barbara and Lynn, visit with Tracy, and watching Stanford dominate MVC champion Missouri State in basketball (women’s NCAA)


10 x 134, 10 x 184, 3 x 224 (ok)

5 sets of 3 with 260, 265, 270, 270, 265 (heaviest set so far)

high handle: 3 x 285 (not that bad), 1 x 301 (struggle…cut it there)

My progression: at the bottom of this post.

So, no 3 reps with 301, BUT I did push myself in the low handle section.

Later: walk; 15:36 pace (legs kind of dead; noticed my toe/instep on my left foot..have had some ache at night here..we’ll check tonight) Very moderate glute pain; not that bad.

I don’t THINK I “bounced” rep 3; I try NOT to bounce:

301 was hard.


Deadlift progression:


28 March: 5 sets of 3: 260, 265, 270, 270, 265, high: 3 x 285, 1 x 301

21 March: 5 sets of 3: 260, 260, 260, 265, 265 high: 1 x 285, 1 x 301, 1 x 285

14 March 5 sets of 3: 260, 260, 260, 265, 265, high: 3 x 285, 3 x 301

7 March 5 sets of 3: 260, 260, 260, 260, 265, high: 3 x 285, 3 x 301

28 Feb: 5 sets of 3: 255, 255, 255, 255, 260, high: 3 x 279, 3 x 279

21 Feb: 5 sets of 3: 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, high: 3 x 279, 1 x 301

14 Feb: this convinced me that my high handle stuff had left me inadequately prepared for full range of motion.


August 5, 2019: managed a High Handle hex dead 225 (1 rep)
August: typical sets were 4 x 175, 4 x 195 (handles up)
September: 4 x 205 head dead (handles up)
November: got 4 x 225 hex dead, handles DOWN
December: got 1 x 225 bar dead, then 4 x 225
December 20, 2019: got 1 x 230 bar deadlift
DEcember 25: got 1 x 233 bar deadlift (home)
Dec 27: got 1 x 235 dead
Dec 29: got 1 x 240 dead (bar)

Jan 11: got 245 hex dead (handles down)
Jan 25: got 255, then 260 conventional dead
Feb 1: got 255, 260 Sumo, 6 x 233 conventional
Feb 8: got 266 conventional, 5 x 238 Sumo.
April 5, 5 x 244
April 18: 5 x 244

Gap for sore back: switched to low handle trap deads

May 23: 10 x 206
June 7: 10 x 217
June 20 1 x 250 trap
July 4: 10 x 222
August 1: 4 x 250 (trap, low handle)

Gap for Virtual ultra (24 hour)

August 22: 4 x 254 (trap..low handle)
August 29 1 x 274 (trap, low handle)

September 5: switched to full stop deadlifts: sets with 244
September 12: 10 x 222 (full stop)
September 27 4 x 254 5 x 244 (full stop)
October 4deficit: 10 x 134, 10 x 184, 5 x 224
regular: 2 x 259; didn’t try a 3’rd rep as I felt a tug in my right hamstring (high)high handles: 10 x 224:
October 17: High handle: 5 x 254, 5 x 264 (fairly easy)Low handle, neutral: 5 x 244
October 24: High handle: 5 x 264, 5 x 274, low handle: 10 x 224

October 31: 1 x 254, High Handle 1 x 284, 1 x 274

November 7: High Handle: 5 x 274, Low Handle: 5 x 249

November 14: Low Handle: 1 x 254, High Handle: 1 x 289, 1 x 294, Low Handle: 10 x 224

November 18; High handle 10 x 234 (by accident; added an extra 5 to each side)

November 21: Low Handle deficit: 1 x 254. High handle 1 x 301, 10 x 244. Low Handle: 10 x 224.

November 28 Low handle 5 x 254 (no bounce)

December 5 Low Handle 1 x 284, 10 x 229. (no bounce)

December 12 High handle: 1 x 274, 1 x 304 (easier than the 301 2 weeks ago), 1 x 274, 10 x 244
Low handle: 10 x 224 

December 19: 5 x 274 high handle, 5 x 254 low handle. (missed 301 low handle 4 times)

December 26: High handle: 1 x 314, 5 x 279, low handle: 5 x 254


Jan 2: 5 x 279 high, 4 x 259 low5 x 234 deficit (lots of misses with 319 high)

Jan. 9: High handle: 5 x 279, 5 x 279 (effort) Low handle 5 x 255

Jan. 16: High handle: 5 x 285, 1 x 285, 5 x 274, Low handle: 10 x 224.

Jan 23: High handle: 5 sets of 3 x 274, 1 x 301, Low handle: 10 x 224.

Jan 31: high handle: 5 sets of 3 x 279, 1 set of 1 x 301 low handle 10 x 224

Feb 7: missed 319 badly (high handle); too beat up to do much but 5 sets of 3 x 274 high handle , 10 x 224 low.

Feb 14 regression; found that 260 low was difficult; retreated to 3 sets of 5 x 244 low, 1 set of 5 x 274 high.

Introspection is hard…

Matt Yglessias article:

“But the politics of these framings are perverse. It’s particularly perverse because the kinds of people who spend a lot of time thinking about race from a progressive point of view are precisely the people who in other contexts are inclined to emphasize what a big deal racism has historically been in shaping American politics.

That’s why liberals from FDR and LBJ to Obama tried to downplay it when possible — they were trying to win and help people! After all, there’s no special features of unions or Medicaid or the minimum wage that leads them to close racial gaps — all egalitarian economic policy has this effect.

My suspicion is that this is a weird tic of campus politics that has followed graduates into the professional arena where they unconsciously started deploying it in less appropriate contexts. If you’re in a dorm at a fancy college and you can convince an administrator that something is racist, the administrator will probably put a stop to it. At the same time, “this is bad for poor people” just isn’t going to get you far as a campus argument. After all, these schools more or less openly auction off a number of admissions slots to wealthy donors (while, of course, practicing affirmative action to keep things diverse) so they can hardly take a hard line on class politics.

But electoral politics in a democracy isn’t like that. And to the extent that the US political system isn’t democratic, it’s mostly tilted in favor of over-representing white people with no college degree. So if you actually want to close racial gaps by raising the minimum wage, expanding union membership, expanding Medicaid, and reducing student debt, the last thing you want to do is to sell people on the idea that this is really all about race.”

And I think I see that gap in action, especially on Twitter. So often, I read “We called out the Republicans on X and they don’t care???” and they just don’t get that Republican politicians don’t act the way that their deans or HR departments act.

Too few on our side can “see it as they see it”; they almost see the ability to see things from “the other side” as a weakness!

And this brings up something else: one of the reasons I am slow to “call out xxx-ism” is that I am often not sure as to what I am seeing, and I always wonder if I am missing something. I just don’t have the “confidence” in my initial reactions that many “wokes” have in theirs.

Remember the Covington fiasco? But…in my world, “wanting to know the facts and context” is almost considered a micro-aggression! (yes, I’ve been accused of that….for asking what time a certain Waffle House closed when someone complained they were locked out and not let in..)

Moving forward

I had pain in my left foot (top, near the big toe; toward the outside) for 2 of the previous 3 nights, but not last night. But still, I rested; no walking.

I did lift:

pull ups: singles, 1 set of 10, 3 sets of 5..enough for 50 reps

rotator cuff and hip hikes (in between other things)

bench: not quite ready, but 10 x 94, and 3 sets of 5 with 134, trying to touch that chest.

incline: (takes about 6 minutes to set up)
2 sets of 10 x 116; felt it a bit

rows: 3 sets of 10 x 134

shoulder: 2 sets of 10, 1 set of 8 with 99, 99 and 105 respectively

curls: 3 sets of 10 x 50 (about to move up here)

note: I need to give myself time to improve on the incline; I think that my personal bench is a bit steeper than some.

Day 2

Yesterday, I had a bit of brain fog, fatigue, and slight muscle aches. Today: after sleeping a long time, not much.

Walk with Lynn and then light weights on my own:

5K walk (very slowly; modest piriformis ache)

weights: rotator cuff stuff:

pull ups: 50 reps; a couple of sets of 10 singles, lots of sets of 5, then 5 singles (decent quality)

bench: 10 x 94, 10 x 114, 10 x 114, 4 x 134, 5 x 134 …maybe ready to progress?

deadlift: 10 x 134, 10 x 189 (22 lb and 5.5 lb plates), 10 x 224 (not that bad)

shoulder: 10 x 99, 10 x 99, 10 x 99 (trying for decent range of motion)

That was enough for today.

Made up some exams…thinking about Bessel functions for tomorrow..

And my vaccine envy ends

Started the day with a walk with Lynn; about 1.6 miles again.

The bridge was lit up Bradley red to celebrate the Bradley women making the NCAA, where they lost to Texas 81-62. Texas has a future WNBA draft pick at center.

Still, Bradley’s star played well scoring 33 points, but Texas had more overall talent.

Then I got my first shot of Moderna.

Yes, you can see the band aid. You can also see a soft midsection and a not too well developed arm; it is puzzling that I can do as many pull ups as I can do, given my lack of…muscle.

Afterward, I lifted to try to prevent arm soreness..I feel a bit of fatigue and a bit of “foggy brain”; that’s about it.

pull ups: 10 singles, 10 reps, 10 singles, 5 reps, 5 reps, 5 reps, 5 reps.

usual rotator cuff

shoulder presses: 10 x 99, 10 x 99, 10 x 105, 7 x 110 (a bit shallow on a few reps)

rows: 3 sets of 10 x 134

incline presses: 10 x 114, 4 x 134, 3 x 134, 10 x 114

curls: 3 sets of 10 x 50 (10 kg plate, 1 kg collar on each side)

bench presses: 2 sets of 10 x 94 (very easy, full range of motion)

This took about 80 minutes..kind of surprising but it takes bit of time to change benches and arms/j cup settings.

Note: those thin steel pates are 20 lb heavier than the thicker black rubber ones.

Attention in shape athletes: COVID can still kill you

Yes, the death rate to COVID is about 0.5 to 1 percent, and about 1-5 percent of cases require being hospitalized and about 20 percent of cases require medial attention.

And about 80 percent can have lingering symptoms even after recovery.

Now it is true that those with comorbidities have a greater risk, but even superbly conditioned athletes can end up in the hospital and in the ICU…and yes, that includes those who have run 100 mile footraces while in their 60’s.

You might be rightfully pride of your Cross Fit workouts, your big bench press or your blazing 5K…or even your Boston Qualifying Marathon.
But that is not immunity and, though COVID “probably” won’t kill you, it can mess you up for a long time and severely degrade your future athletic performance.

Take it seriously; mask up, and get that shot when you can!

Your baseline is not your best day.

Well, I had a great day last week. I had a good day the week before that. Today: would have been a GREAT day (for me) as recently as 3 weeks ago…very encouraging. But I just didn’t feel right at the start and it was a chore..and well:

10 x 134

10 x 184 (oh no…shouldn’t be this hard)

3 x 224 (ok..)

3 x 260, 3 x 260, 3 x 260 (1 and 3 are shown)

3 x 265, 3 x 265 (4 is shown); this exhausted me.

1 x 285 (quit)

1 x 301 (quit..probably a good thing)

1 x 285 (done)

I found that my “off the ground” speed was actually ok; I struggled a bit higher up..this was just the opposite from last month (5 weeks ago) where I struggled with the off the ground part. I am wondering if I should “go high” every 2-3 weeks or so…or maybe just write this off to a “regression to the mean” effect. This WAS the best I have ever done in my low handle sets..but these just were difficult and taxing.

After this I had a good but not great walk. Some ache toward the end; for the week I had 4 training walks and 2 social ones, all short.