Day one online

Not sure how it will go, but I started the day off right, I think.
Oh, last night..cleaned up..inhaled a lot of dust and coughed a bit and you KNOW what I was thinking.

rotator cuff
pull ups: 10-10, 6 sets of 5
clean and press 5 x 94, 5 x 99, 5 x 99
dips: 5 (didn’t feel great)
dumbbell shoulder press: 3 sets of 10 x 44 (sloppy..a bit)
rows: 3 sets of 8 x 110 (bent over with Olympic bar)
super set: 3 circuits of: 5 x 94 squat, 5 x 200 trap bar dead, 5 x 60? curl
2:30 plank.

That, plus taking the weights up and down from the basement, finished me off.

walking for the sake of walking.

Yeah, I was tired. 8.4 mile walk in a pokey 2:23 (17 minutes per mile). Yes, it was very windy, gray, drizzly and I just wasn’t into it. Some back issues (probably not enough stretching) and I saw few outside.
We had a storm last night and the brick streets (Kickapoo Terrace, Manor Parkway) had some branches; I saw one roof tile. Not much else otherwise.

About how to NOT get COVID 19: this is good.

Some of what we are doing vs COVID-19 is probably unnecessary. But I’ll do it anyway because

Well, here is the deal: this virus jumped from animals to humans a few months ago and while our best scientists are working feverishly on this, we still don’t know.
It is highly contagious and is lethal to a small but significant percentage of our population, and it will put many into the hospital, thereby overwhelming our capacity.

So we need to “flatten the curve” in the sense that we can’t have too many sick at one time, and we need to keep the most vulnerable from getting it at all.

And we need to buy time to see what mix of vaccines and social policy (such as the test, quarantine and trace that Korea used) will make our society reasonably safe again.

So, yes, there are probably things we are doing right now that constitute an overreaction. But..we don’t know which things are essential and which are unnecessary so we need to do them all (following then principals of slowing a pandemic) until our scientists and public health officials can figure out a smart strategy, appropriate for the conditions AT THAT TIME.

And those might mean the “hammer and dance.”

Thunderstorms due in

Sigh…yes, a game would likely be rained out, but there is no game to rain out. LOL…

Today: Deadlift day then a 4 mile (plus) walk on the roads around Bradley University; it was a repeated, looping, serpentine course.


6 x 145
6 x 195
5 x 239
5 x 244
5 x 244 (a little sloppy but no bounded reps)
1 x 255 (not that bad, but legs were quivering by now)


5 x 94
5 x 105
5 x 105

(good depth..and yes, this is what I do with “clean and press”. But at least it was to work my way up slowly)

Better than nothing

I got out a bit later than “normal”..but what is “normal”, anyway?

I did a 4 mile shuffle (aka run) to and from Bradley Park (lower loop) in 50:54 (yes, 10 minutes slower than I did 9 years ago); light dog walker…then

rotator cuff (pink dumbbell)
pull ups: 10-10, 5-5, 5-5, 10 (I tried a set with “palms facing me”
downstairs for

bench press: 10 x 132 (used 44’s), 1 x 187 (ugh), 4 x 176, 5 x 170, 5 x 170 (rough; bounced one rep)
hex bar row: 3 sets of 6 x 134
curl: 3 sets of 5 x ?? (2 8 kg, 2 5 kg, plus 5 for collars and ??? for the bar? call it 60?
seated dumbbell shoulder presses: 3 sets of 10 x 40 on a chair (with these I am a 270 lb. guy)
2:30 plank

I took that from our front porch this morning; that is my office building (seen between the houses) and the flags are on campus.

Personal: I have to transfer grades and proof my tests one more time. Then time to dive into online teaching; some students HAVE been making attempts to stay current.

Never quite caught up

Review lessons up. Zoom meetings set up. Syllabus set up…now just missing the new lessons, all of which will be typeset. I am going to be busy.

I’ve thought about our situation some and here is what is a bit different for me: “flatten the curve” keeps our medical system from being overwhelmed and gives scientists time to study the disease and develop things like vaccines, protocols, etc.

But the reality is that I live with a highly vulnerable person; there will be no “herd immunity” for her. If she gets it: bad news.

And ..well, this article is interesting. It talks about how we got here: a combination of the novelty of the virus (recently jumped from animals to humans), the incompetence of our current government ..and this:

Aspects of America’s identity may need rethinking after COVID-19. Many of the country’s values have seemed to work against it during the pandemic. Its individualism, exceptionalism, and tendency to equate doing whatever you want with an act of resistance meant that when it came time to save lives and stay indoors, some people flocked to bars and clubs. Having internalized years of anti-terrorism messaging following 9/11, Americans resolved to not live in fear. But SARS-CoV-2 has no interest in their terror, only their cells.

Years of isolationist rhetoric had consequences too. Citizens who saw China as a distant, different place, where bats are edible and authoritarianism is acceptable, failed to consider that they would be next or that they wouldn’t be ready. (China’s response to this crisis had its own problems, but that’s for another time.) “People believed the rhetoric that containment would work,” says Wendy Parmet, who studies law and public health at Northeastern University. “We keep them out, and we’ll be okay. When you have a body politic that buys into these ideas of isolationism and ethnonationalism, you’re especially vulnerable when a pandemic hits.”

So..what will happen?

It’s likely, then, that the new coronavirus will be a lingering part of American life for at least a year, if not much longer. If the current round of social-distancing measures works, the pandemic may ebb enough for things to return to a semblance of normalcy. Offices could fill and bars could bustle. Schools could reopen and friends could reunite. But as the status quo returns, so too will the virus. This doesn’t mean that society must be on continuous lockdown until 2022. But “we need to be prepared to do multiple periods of social distancing,” says Stephen Kissler of Harvard.

This appears to be the optimistic outcome.

Onward, ever onward

I’ve been blogging a lot, but not here. I’ve been setting up review notes for my classes and have two classes done; one to go. MAYBE by noon tomorrow. I also have my exam 2 written up and ready to be proofed prior to being posted online. I have office hours figured out; I just need to practice my “classroom” video skills.

After writing up some stuff, I worked out later this morning; some outside, some inside:

Outside (front porch)
rotator cuff
pull ups 3 sets of 10, 4 sets of 5. Note: my pull up bar is pretty thick so my sets are really multiple sets of singles with no rest..this is not your gym pull up bar. But I am not complaining for a home unit!
Lots of free squats
dips: 3 sets of 10..not sure about my depth
clean and press with 94 lb: 3 sets of 5 (do a clean with each press, starting motionless from the ground)
dumbbell press with 44 lb. dumbbells: 3 sets of 10.
bent over row: 3 sets of 10 x 94 (need to step this up)

Inside (basement)
curls: 3 sets of 5 with the curl bar; 55 lb.
trap bar squats: 5 x 134, 3 sets of 5 x 206 (focus on “push away with the legs”)
plank: 2:30

This took me 75 minutes.

I am wearing my FANS 24 hour shirt from 2006; I walked 83 miles in 24 hours. (was at 50 in 12:27). No way I could do that now.

Here you see some of the equipment I used. The curl bar: I got that in 1978 to use at home when I came home from leave from the Naval Academy (I had concrete weights in plastic to use with it; the iron weights are from 1984)
the trap bar and large bumper plates were from late 2019 to use at home. The dumbbell handles and 10 lb. plates, the bench (whose legs you can just make out) and the 25 lb. bumper plates were purchased within the last couple of weeks or so when I figured the gyms would be closing. That is a spread of 42 years in terms of equipment age!

Online: day 1

Our students are on extended spring break but faculty have to work this week. I’ve started to add notes and will see if I can figure out how the “chat” function works on Sakai.

rotator cuff
bench press: 10 x 94, 10 x 134, 2 x 184 (hard), 5 x 167, 5 x 167, 5 x 172
deadlift: 6 x 145, 5 x 195, 5 x 239, 5 x 239, 5 x 239
squats: 5 x 44, 5 x 94, 5 x 94, 5 x 105
pull ups: 10, 8 sets of 5 (outside)
plank: 2:30

This took about 1:20 to do.

Ah..joys of COVID-19

But I got a good workout and my arms are warm.