Toward the end of August

Workout notes: sore left shoulder; starting to ache at night. I think it was due to the struggle with the barbell military on Monday.
Yesterday: yoga then a 6.1 mile walk in 1:31 (14:48); this included Prospect Hill and upper Glenn Oak Park.
Today: weights; 2 mile run (10:46/10:03) kept the effort moderate. Weights: rotator cuff, pull ups (painless; 5 sets of 10), incline press: 10 x 135, 3 x 155, decline: 10 x 165, hex dead: 5 x 175, 1 x 225, 1 x 240 (difficult), 4 x 215. military (3 sets of 10 x 45 dumbbell standing) rows 3 sets of 10 x 110 machine. Plank, headstand, the run, the goblet squats (to the “sill”) 6 x 50, 6 x 62.

Games: I did see the Chiefs win 9-5 on Wednesday

The scoreboard tells the story: the Chiefs raced out to a 4-0 and 5-1 lead…it got tied in the 7’th and then the Chiefs got 5 in the bottom of the 7’th and held on. They are playing better right now. Looking forward to tonight’s game.

Sadly..not much of a crowd to see a long (3.5 hour) but exciting game.

No, I can’t but he could

First workout of the academic year, and I taught my first class of the year (for another professor..ironically)

Last night: still some left deltoid shoulder pain but less than the night before. I think it was the attempt at a max with the military press.

rotator cuff
pull ups: 4 sets of 10, 3 of 5 (went very well)
incline press: 10 x 135
decline press: 10 x 165
military: 15 x 50 seated, supported, 2 sets of 10 x 40 standing
rows: 2 sets of 10 x 50 single arm, 10 x 200 Hammer
Hex deadlifts: 5 x 175, 4 x 215
run: 2 miles in 18:55 (10:15/8:39 lane 2; had to put some effort into it)
goblet squats: (to the sill) 6 x 40, 6 x 62 (kettle bell)

Weight: 189

The gym is no longer empty but it wasn’t that bad either.
Yes, I am older than just about everyone, and yes, I am weaker than most guys who are within shouting disatance of my size.

This reminded me of this youtube comment:

Almost that time of year…

Last 3 home games for the Chiefs this Wednesday through Friday. I hope to make two of them (tomorrow, Friday).

But for now: classes start tomorrow. I often decorate my wall with fake photos:

Workout: yoga, then an 8.7 mile walk.

I was a bit disappointed: 2:04 out and 2:05 back as the weather was cool; it was just a head thing. 14:51 mpm, which was, well, faster than 2 weeks ago. So I shouldn’t complain. Weight: 189. Still, I think that I lost concentration on the way back; my mind wandered all over the place.

Update: I had a bit of shoulder pain last night; mostly the left arm. I had this the last time I needed PT for the rotator cuff. My guess: stressing it with a maximum effort military (barbell) and hex dead lifts might not have been a good idea.

On the verge…fall 2019

Workout notes: sore deltoids after..some rotator cuff during: rotator cuff, pull ups 5 sets of 10 (went well), military (barbell), 1 x 95, easy, 1 x 105 moderately easy, 1 x 110 ..took forever to lock out..this was HARD, 4 x 95, 9 x 85. rows: 3 sets of 10 x 110 machine. Bench: 3 x 155, 1 x 185, decline: 10 x 165, goblet squats: 6 x 25, 6 x 45, 6 x 60, 4 x 70, Hex dead lift: 4 x 175, 4 x 215 (work), plank, etc. Weight: 191 (weekend)

Maybe time to get some writing done tomorrow?

Issues: this is an excellent “Freedom of Speech” post. Bottom line: there is LOT of speech that is, in fact, free speech, including most “hate speech.”

Chiefs win; Bears and Colts clash in preseason

Ok, this is very belated. On Thursday evening, the Chiefs clinched a 3 game series with a 2-1 win vs. a good Bandits team. I got there late (3’rd) and sat with Vickie and Harry.

Very good pitching; QC tied it but the Chiefs got a run in the bottom of the 8’th and held on.

Then Saturday: Bears and Colts.

Oh..the Bears won 27-17 on the strength of a strip/fumble return and a sack fumble return; they also had a 58 yard field goal and controlled the action in the second half. The first half, aside from the strip fumble return off of a completed pass, belonged to the Colts. Kelly and Cain looked sharp in the first half; Bray looked good in the second for the Bears.

But really, the game was secondary to the news that went around on social media that Luck had decided to retire.

That lead to a rather unfortunate situation where he got booed as he left the field (in street clothes)

Oh my…I understand being upset..but come on..stay classy Colts fans.

Workout catch up (again)

I am writing away and preparing for the start of classes. So things might get behind here.

Friday: weights only; rotator cuff, pull ups (5 sets of 10: strong), bench: 10 x 135, 3 x 185, incline 10 x 135, decline 10 x 165, goblet squats: 6 x 30, 50, 60, 4 x 70, military: barbell: 1 x 95, fail with 115, 1 x 105 (hard), 6 x 95, 10 x 80, rows: 3 sets of 10 x 110 machine, hex: 4 x 175, 4 x 215 (hard), headstand, planks.

Saturday: Zoo run run race plus 1 mile warm up, 1 cool down. 29:12 (9:27, 9:53, 9:51). Best time since 2015. Cool weather.

Sunday: walk 5 miles after Indianapolis trip.

The course (which I wonder if it was really 5K, given that the first place finisher did NOT lap me and I was 19:20 at 2 miles) is a sharp downhill, level, uphill, downhill, uphill, flat for 400 meters..and features a lot of twists and turns. It is both interesting and tough to run hard on; sort of a XC on crumbly pavement type of thing.

Tracy finished lap 2 about 30 seconds before I finished so I did her lap with her.

During the race I had caught up to MarySue at the end of lap 1 but couldn’t sustain it..she was to finish 8 seconds ahead of me.

Strangely enough, my paces: 28/80 overall, 14/32 men, 1/3 55-59 M, were not that bad.

Chiefs win 2-0 behind excellent pitching and fielding

Workout notes: yoga then an easy 5 mile run along the Riverfront. Weight: 189

Last night: the Chiefs got some excellent pitching from the starter (8 innings of 4 hit, shutout ball) and some closing from the closer (rookie from Georgia Tech) and won 2-0. There was a spectacular double play featuring an off balance throw from second to first, another double play off of an excellent shoestring catch in right field (unlike getting such double plays on they did earlier in the week). It was fun all the way around.

Here is a left shift

Not many were on hand to watch. They missed something; the Chiefs looked GOOD last night, and against a strong team too!


Finished a section of my first draft today; hopefully the rest will follow quickly.

Workout notes: weights then an easy 4 mile walk in Bradley Park (work there is done). Rotator cuff, pull ups (5 sets of 10), goblet squats (6 x 30, 50, 60), military (dumbbell), 10 x 50 (standing), 15 x 50 seated, 10 x 40 (standing), rows (3 sets of 10 x 110), incline: 10 x 135, decline 10 x 165, hex deadlift: 4 x 175, 4 x 205. Back: slightly sore.
Planks, etc.

Posts These complement each other:

Sure, it is about shooting, but also: what makes someone angry and lonely? And, though this video talks about right wing males, I’ve seen evidence of this with respect to liberals, including liberal females. I’ve watched personalities change.

And this post is about the pitfalls of “meritocracy”: even the “successful” end up bitter and angry (overwork). I honestly believe that someone does have some agency here: one can choose a lower paying but “less hours” job in which..if it is part of a career, you can at least enjoy aspects of the job.

Interesting food for thought, I think.

Chiefs lose again…ugh..

First things first: I am behind on my workout posts. Weight: 189 both days.
Monday: weights only; rotator cuff, pull ups (5 sets of 10), bench: 10 x 135, 3 x 185, incline: 10 x 135, decline: 10 x 165. military: 7 x 50 standing, 15 x 50 seated (supported), 10 x 40 standing (dumbbells, one 50 in each hand), rows: 3 sets of 10 x 50 single arm, 10 x 110 machine. goblet squats: 6 x 30, 6 x 50, 6 x 60. hex dead: 4 x 175, 4 x 205, 1 x 225 (easier than last week); plank, etc.

Tuesday: yoga then running: 6.1 shuffle (Prospect hill run..shortest possible 1:18. It really wasn’t much of an effort..mostly easy and I let my mind wander.

What I’ve been doing: writing away…I keep finding stuff to add; relevant stuff. It is kind of fun, really.

Chiefs game: another loss; this time 7-2 to the Timber Rattlers. Of note: the Chiefs hit into two double plays via well hit line drives that went right to someone..while the Chiefs had base runners. A few inches to either side could well have been solid hits. It has been that kind of season.

Bob and Joan are in the background; they have season tickets and I frequently talk to them.

Lovely sunset: taken by the Chiefs.

The scoreboard tells the story; the Chiefs did add a couple of runs.

This is one of scores of birds that flew overhead during the game; they kept circling. I wonder if there were insects in the sky.

National Anthem: well done by a duet.

Early game action.

Pining for the days of yore…

No, I have NOT become a powerlifter; I never was though I entered a couple of bench press contests and did some intramural Olympic weight lifting meets. Yes, my totals were a joke (snatch: 110, clean and jerk 195) But I’ve decided to add some dead lifts back to my my current shame, 225 feels HEAVY. Seriously. I have to fix that.

That lead me to look up old stuff and the lifter pictured is Don Reinhoudt, who won the world power lifting superheavyweight championship 4 years in a row. Yes, he had some incredible totals (2391 total; benched over 600 in one meet, dead lifted 885 and squatted 905. His totals were eventually surpassed, but for a very long time, he was the best in the world.

But look at the photo: he was lifting in combat boots, worn suit..plan bar all chalked up and a ton of 45 lb. plates (total was 900 I think) No shine, no fluff..none of those fake crossfit plates (that look big but are very light)

Because I joined many gyms, I got to know the guys in many of them. It was so basic: show up, lift…get checked out (yes, guys used to notice what others lifted…it mattered), get in conversations, make friends…over time get accepted as “one of the group”. No phones, no “awesome from day one.” People noticed who was regular and who put forth the day-in, day-out effort.

I miss those days.


Do I miss being able to handle 425 on the dead lift and 310 on the bench? (no, that isn’t much for a young guy of my size…only double bodyweight or so for the dead, and 75 above body weight on the bench..yes I was 200 or so when I got the dead, and 226 when I first got 300)

It is hard to tell, isn’t it?

But..the days are NOT coming back and it makes sense for me to lift early, before others get there.