Warm walk again

It was 77 F, 74 percent humidity when I started and didn’t change that much. Course: Cornstalk 5.1 at the start, but then 3 lower loops: one “classic loop” with new bridge, one “full” loop (all the way to the top) with the old bridge, and one “lower loop” again with the old bridge. Then I crossed at the Main/Western light and walked it in:

Later: a run to walk, get some dinner and I got to see what happened to a large tree during yesterday’s storm:

I do see society fracturing. There is the “we are all in this together” camp and the MUH FREEDUMS camp. This weekend saw some rather disturbing things.

Now there were about 2500 people here. At 1 percent being infected, that is 25 people, who, in such a crowded environment, could easily pass it to 5 others which is 125 new cases, which probably means 1-2 deaths among this crowd and several times that many really ill. But that 125 goes out and infects, maybe 2-3 each and so on.
But the secondary, tertiary and longer term effects will take a while to show up in the spreadsheets. And without strict contact tracing, it will be difficult, if not impossible to trace it to a specific event.

That is, most who attended; well some will get sick, not too many die but they go out and infect others.

My guess: we are going to spike hard.

Now as far as assessing the general risk, this is a good article. And if an elderly person (say, 70 +) gets COVID, their risk is similar to a British bomber pilot flying a mission over Germany in WW2.

Commentary I speak for only myself. But more and more, I find myself getting MORE tribal; when given the opportunity to, say, get take out or go to a store, I tend to recoil from the thought of going to a place that conservatives frequent, even if it is a place I used to patronize. The reason: I think that I go to places where people wear masks and give each other social distance; I just won’t patronize a business if their customers are disrespectful about such things. And in the process, I am seeking out “blue” hangouts, so to speak.

Memorial Day

What a change from last year…

Today has been somewhat stormy though Barbara and I went for a walk; it was 4 miles and took quite a long time; toward the end my glute (left) felt ok, but it was torture for a while.

Later: I finally did that “bar fixing project” (so I can use my 1 inch bar, which was very uneven..2 inches!) and then lifted inside:
pull ups: 10, 5-5, 10, 10, 5-5, then two sets of 5 chins; reasonable
rotator cuff and free squats
bench: 10 x 132, 10 x 159, 10 x 159
seated military: 3 sets of 10 x 44 (each arm)
rows: 3 sets of 8 x 134
then 2 sets of deadlifts: 10 x 184, 10 x 206
No. Bouncing.

On the good side: we saw Mat and Tracy; it was fun to talk to both. When we get to phase 3, Tracy and I might run/walk.

Speaking of COVID 19: what is good and what is bad?


• Self-serve buffets probably create an unmanageable amount of viral spread.

Gatherings of friends and family

Avoid hugging and sharing food, especially while sick.


• Gyms can quickly spread the coronavirus, especially when instructors become infected.

• High-intensity workouts may be more dangerous than low-intensity workouts, though that’s unclear.


• The most dangerous method of transmission in an office is spending a long time near an infected person.

• Using shared facilities like restrooms with an infected person appears to be less dangerous.

• Spending a short amount of time with an infected person, like on an elevator ride, is not especially dangerous.

• Jobs with frequent talking, like call centers, do appear to have elevated risk for superspreading.

Sporting events

• Getting thousands or tens of thousands of people together in one building can result in community-changing “biological bombs.”

• Sports celebrations (singing, hugging, cheering) could potentially mean more spread.

Upshot: if we teach in person, I am masking up and maintaining a nice distance.
My office: not much space for safe interaction.

And the main thing: we really socially distance ourselves to keep from spreading it to the vulnerable. Via Brian Doyle.