Working it

Interesting day: “two factor authentication” was on the fritz so I had trouble logging in to Canvas. I was able to, eventually.

Besides the usual PT, I did the following:

pull ups: 6 sets of 5, 8 plus 4, 7 chins plus 4. I was doing to do some holds but the skies let loose and the wind kicked up like crazy.

Downstairs to high incline: 10 x 94, then 3 sets of 5 x 120 (this was my max not that long ago)

bench: 3 sets of 6 x 145

curls: 3 sets.

Then the W. Peoria 3.14 plus 1.2 campus for 4.35 in 1:01:44 (14:11 pace); not that bad given I was just around 30 minutes at mile 2. I picked it up quite a bit. And nothing hurt; I was 183.0 after the walk.
