NIT, more work

Yesterday: 5.15 in 1:11:55 (13:58 pace; picked it up a bit); 2.15 mile commuter walk.

Today: weights and a 3.45 commuter walk from Moss to West Peoria. 15:47 was the pace and AFTERWARD there was an oh-so-slight right hip ache. I do have to watch my courses and mileage.

The weights: PT plus pull ups: 6 sets of 5 (regular, chin, mixed, mixed, regular, chin), 7+3 regular, 7+4 chin then a 44 second hold (timer at 45 seconds)

downstairs; deadlifts were 10 x 134 4 inch, 10 x 134 low, 10 x 190 low, 10 x 225 low (kind of sloppy)

bench: (super setted) 10 x 134, 3 sets of 7 x 145 (getting better)

high incline: 10 x 94, 1 x 115, 7 x 105, 2 x 120 (wanted 3-4)

Now about the NIT game

The crowd was mostly diehards: just under 4700 which was a bit under the season average. That makes sense as they use group tickets to get people there.

The game: Bradley roared out to an early lead and, in the second half, built it to 21 points. They were holding Loyola to 22-23 percent shooting.

But LU rallied and, at one point, cut the lead to 4. But BU made the plays it needed to make down the stretch and won 74-62. This was probably Bradley’s best game of the year, though BU got hurt by Loyola’s offensive rebounding.

I decided to sit in better seats and I might go that route next season. B is nearly 82 and struggles a bit with mobility.