Catch up part N

Yesterday: made some talks; walked first: 5.3 miles in 1:15:59 (the Cornstalk hill 4.2 course with a 1.15 mile loop in just over 15 minutes. Slow at the start; 30 minutes for the first 2; 27:30 for the final 2.

Pain: almost non-existent though I felt it later in the day (sitting).

Then made a concert “Evening of Queen”.

Today: part II of the conference; talks were ok (though I wondered about one presenter being a control freak. ) Before, after and during the breaks I had 3 walks (2.1, 1.2, 1.2) at just under 17 minutes per mile.

Afterward: weights: pull ups: 4 sets of 5 (two chin, two pull), 9.5 pull ups, 5 pull ups ,1, then 3 sets of 5 chins, then a 43 second hold.

Downstairs: the high inclines were harder than expected: 5 x 94, 5 x 105, 5 x 115, 4 x 115, 5 x 115, 5 x 115 (penalty set)

bench: 6 x 134, 7 x 134, 7 x 134, 5 x 134

curls 3 sets of 10. I was exhausted even though I did not do much.