Warm weekend

The unseasonably warm winter continues.

I had a leisurely workout: PT, then pull ups: 4 sets of 5 singles,(varied grip), 7, 3, 5-5 (mixed grip), 5 chins, 5 chin singles, 40 second hold, set of 5 (57 total reps)

Then this 5 mile walk; I was 43:50 after the first 3.14 and it took 27:13 to do the final 1.96 (loop around the campus via Moss); 5.1 in 1:11:03. The walk was 100 percent pain free; no achiness.

Then downstairs for a leisurely weight session: bench: 10 x 134, 8 x 139 (stopped as I didn’t like the left shoulder reaction), 6 x 145, 6 x 145, 5 x 145

high incline: 3 sets of 7 x 105

curls: 2 sets of 10. Bodyweight: 183.5 (yesterday)

Air: kind of smoky.

Regressing the Regression

Walking went better today: in the morning I walked 4.3 miles. Mile 1 and miles 3-4 felt good; slight stiffness during that second mile. And I was laboring at a not so fast pace. I had no sub 14 miles though the final mile (14:04) was the fastest. Course: West Peoria plus out to Moss via Cooper.

Later: my 2.15 commuter walk felt GREAT; i was nice and loose.