Toward the end of break

I did a bit more catching up. But..well, there is a math conference on campus and I feel compelled to go for at least a bit. What the heck. It is embarrassing given that our math major has been cut.

But I was able to take my time during my morning workout: more PT than usual (and I swear; it appears to be helping) and I did my 4.3 mile course (3.14 W. Peoria plus a 1.16 Moss loop) in 1:02:48 (pace: 14:36); yes, I was sore from yesterday’s hike. The walk came between pull ups and weights as there was a break in the rain.

Pull ups: 5 pull ups, 5 chins, 5 pull ups, 5 chins, 8 pull ups, 4, 7 chin ups, 4, 5 mixed, 5 mixed, then 3.8 “pause” chin ups: pause 1/2 way, pause at the top. Those were humbling. (56 total reps)

Walk: 4.3

Downstairs: low: 10 x 94, 10 x 135, 10 x 190. 8 inch: 10 x 260 (kind of tired)

Bench: 3 sets of 10 x 134
high incline: 2 sets of 10 x 94

It did not seem as if I did THAT much but I did rest between sets.

Oh yes, my new 55 lb (25 kg) bumpers came today. I need to get the light oil off.

Author: oldgote

I enjoy politics, reading, science, running, walking, (racewalking and ultrawalking) hiking, swimming, yoga, weight lifting, cycling and reading. I also follow football (college and pro), basketball (men and women) and baseball (minor league and college)

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