Just before final exams

And I am just about caught up. It won’t last. But my final exams are front loaded and I should be able to finish a mini referee’s report soon.

Workout wise: due to an early meeting, I had two 3 mile commuter walks yesterday, then a 3 mile plus a 2 mile today. That’s not nothing.

This gives me 163.5 miles for the month, the most in a very long time (several years; well before COVID)

I also did some weights: outside, 4 sets of 10 pull ups, 2 sets of 5 chins, then 44-45 second hold (no, the sound was NOT gas) then down stairs:

bench: 10 x 134, 5 sets of 3 x 155, 7 x 145. Weak..I know.

high incline (strapped in), 10 x 80, 10 x 80, 10 x 85

curls: 3 sets of 10.

Wow..keeping the hips fixed really makes that high incline press different. I cannot recruit other muscles and the final few reps just burn.

Lifting as an older person is different. I have to watch for compensation and keep form discipline. The pull ups are improving due to my body weight going down.

But here is what is really different: before, having a good set of one exercise usually coincided with the other exercises going well. Now it means that I’ll be fatigued. LOL..

Author: oldgote

I enjoy politics, reading, science, running, walking, (racewalking and ultrawalking) hiking, swimming, yoga, weight lifting, cycling and reading. I also follow football (college and pro), basketball (men and women) and baseball (minor league and college)

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