Sticking with it

Initially, I had set out to try my 10.5 mile loop. It was 77 F, 92 percent humidity and I was pouring sweat by 3/4 of a mile, so I cut it short and did a 3 mile loop at 16 minutes per mile. The back was tight; some mild to moderate glute pain (one stretch break) and I almost gave up.

I stretched longer, got a drink and decided to try for 4 mile miles and chose the Moss course. I did an out (16 minutes) followed by 8 lengths of Moss along the outer sidewalk: 12:09, 12:08, 12:04, 11:57, 11:50, 11:47, 11:40, 11:48, then 15:41 for the 1.03 miles home from MacArthur. Total time: 2:07:38 for 8.2 or so. I had not intended to do that much, but I got into it after the first 2 out and backs. The app I used got this length as .78 miles.

I am a little bit sore (left hip/glute) but napped then moved some more books during my office switch. Next week might be a light week.

Down week..sort of

I’ve had trouble getting out of the blocks this week. Ok, I had a wonderful ball game last night: an 8-3 Chiefs victory.

The Raccoons did cut into the lead in the top of the 8’th gaining two runs when the second Chiefs relief pitcher had control issues, but they got those 2 runs back in the bottom and cruised.

Workout notes

Thursday: 2 mile warm up, 5 miles on the track. Time: 1:03:39. Ok, that isn’t so bad, given that I had a 13:05 mile 1 (sluggish) and 12:55, 12:47, 12:55 (51:43 4 mile) That was to simulate half marathon pace and I still felt good. But then I picked it up..or tried to ..thinking I could kick it into 5K race pace. Wrong. It was 11:54 mostly based on 2:54 first 400 and that was WORK. Damn..sluggish as all get out.

Friday: the walk after weights was ok (4.12 in 59:34..14:27 pace..nice and steady) and the weights were ok too.

pull ups: 5, 5, 5, 5, 10, 5, 5, 5, 5 with the 10 and last 2 5 being pull ups; other sets were pull ups, chin ups. I focused on getting the back involved. No radiating pain (a real plus) bodyweight 188.

Downstairs: bench: 5 x 134, then 4 x 160, 4 x 160, 4 x 160 (HARD), 3 x 160
High incline: 7 x 94, 7 x 94, 8 x 94
curls: 3 sets of 10.

The shoulders feel good; making progress. Walking..well..well..we shall see. Maybe a 4’th of July race to see?