Cruising past midway June

I have done my duties diligently and studied my financial math. I still have more to do so I can be prepared. The review is helpful.

Monday: I felt somewhat stiff; started with a very slow (16 minutes a mile) 4 mile walk, which was the West Peoria course plus a mile; no orthotics.

Then I lifted. It was pretty hot by then.
Pull ups: 7, 7, 7, 10, 5, 5, 5, 5, (the 5’s were mostly chins) then an attempted 3-3-3 where you do 3 full ones, 3 “go from the top to half way down” then three “from the bottom to halfway up.”

Bench: 5 x 134, 5 x 155, 5 x 155, 4 x 155, 4 x 155 (missed rep 5)

incline: 8 x 120

seated: 3 sets of 7 x 38 supported mixed with 3 sets of curls.

Today: it was muggy and I didn’t start until almost 8. It was 86 F, 63 percent when I finished. BUT I managed my 15K course (two out and backs in Bradley Park) in 2:17:00 (2:30 slower than last week but still 14:44) second out and back: 43:52, 14:13 then 19:01 to finish up (the 1.3 part) I was 1:58:00 at 8, after a very slow start (15:17 first mile, 44:40 half way) I was surprised that I stood up to the heat as well as I did.