Boring but…

I got done what needed to be done, I think.

As far as walking: 2 miles easy (2.2 at 15:15)

3 miles lane 2 : 12:33, 11:42, 11:11. (so, 24:15 for 2, or 22:54 for 2?)

1 mile cool down outside. Weight: 184.5 before with shoes.

Plan: gradually add to my long walk (currently at 9.3) and add to this walk to work on speed. In late August, start working on pace (goal: go under 2:50, which is a 13 minute pace). 2:40? That might be tough for me at this stage of my life.

Looking up a bit…

I think that things improve during the summer due to extra sleep. So far, summer duties have not been that bad.

But I have a few weeks left on this contract.

Now: I took the car in for air conditioning again. This might be yearly. But this meant my workout was split.

PT first, then pull ups/chin ups: 6 sets of 5, 7 plus 5 (pull ups), 5 chins, 5 chins, then 4 of pause/normal to finish.

Then downstairs: bench: 10 x 134, 5 x 154, 5 x 154, 4 x 154, 5 x 154 (not that bad) super setted with deadlifts (trap bar): low 10 x 134, 10 x 184, then 10 x 237 4 inch, 10 x 280 6 inch.

Two sets of high inclines (strapped in) 5 x 94, 10 x 94 (this is getting better)

The walk: from the car place. 4.5-4.7 miles or so; the main section was from Willow Knolls road past my old PT building and back, plus a small segment on Willow Knolls road. It was slow, steady, casual 17 minute per mile walking (or slightly faster).