Leisure to work out relaxed

It seems as if every summer, I use the time off period as a training camp of sorts. During the academic year I work out, but I have a set period of time to get it in. I can rest more between sets during the summer and the weight I can handle goes up.

Today: PT, then pull ups: (really took my time here): 10 single pull ups, 10 single chin ups, 5 mixed grip, 5 mixed grip, 8 pull ups, 5 pull ups, 5 chin ups, 5 chin ups then 4 sets of 2, pull up, chin up, both mixed grips.

Downstairs and I gave myself 45 plus minutes for the bench press. 5 x 134, 5 x 155, 5 x 155, 5 x 155 (grind on set 3), 1 x 160, 1 x 170 (ugly, but hips were down)

high incline: 8 x 89, 7 x 89, 7 x 89

curls: 3 sets of 10.

Followed with W. Peoria 5K walk after lunch at a commuter pace. 16:40 mile 1, 15:30’s after that.

Commentary: I’ve started to think about past days: the running in the 1980’s and again in the late 1990’s. Ok, I miss it..and the lifting too. Yes, I am grateful that I can still walk distance (some day I won’t be able to do that) but I hate how weak I’ve become.

I remember the races too. Yes, it was fun being further up in the pack, but that was mostly being a younger male. Still..I enjoyed being among the hard bodies. Now I am in the back with those with knee braces, back braces, gray hair, and yes, the new/over weight (by runner standards) and, based on pace, that is where I belong. What you gonna do?