One tough season

Bradley baseball lost to the Murray State Racers 16-3 to finish the season 13-37-1 and 1-12 at home (yes, I missed the only win). Murray State is 37=18 so the sweep was not unexpected though those scores..9-3 was the closest of the 3 games. (13-0 yesterday). I did enjoy the 2 Bradley home runs though.

Tonight the Chiefs go at it..they too are having a tough season so far.

Before the game I got in some weights and afterward a 4 mile walk along the Riverfront at a commuter pace. There was some glute stiffness: I HAD been sitting for 2:30-2:40 before the walk.

The weights:

pull ups: 5 pull, 5 chin, 5 pull, 5 chin, 10, 10, then chin ups 7-7
Downstairs: bench: 5 x 134, then 3 sets of 6 x 150

high incline: 10 x 85, 10 x 90, 10 x 75
curls: 2 sets of 10.