A lot of catching up

Well, between two evening and two day baseball games, and admin stuff…

Workout wise:

Wednesday: 7.3 miles on the Riverfront. I think it was faster than what I was given credit for by my goofy Garmin; my timed 2 mile segment was 28:22. Total: 1:48:37 for 14:53 for 7.3ish

Thursday: only 2 miles late at a commuter pace. Prior to that: (a game)
pull ups: 5-5, 10, 10, then 4 sets of 5 chins. Went ok. Downstairs:
10 x 134, 9 x 145, 7 x 145 bench, high incline: 2 sets of 10 x 75 tied in. Deadlifts:

low: 10 x 134, 10 x 190, wagon wheel: 10 x 234

Friday: before the game, 4.15 in 58:53 (43:05 at 3, 56:50 at 4) then a 2 mile commuter walk afterward.

Got cream for my psoriasis


Where to begin. The Chiefs: Wednesday: lost 3-1 on a game tied at 1 going into the 9’th. Chiefs only run (again) was on a home run. Thursday: lost 5-3; lead 3-1 in the bottom of the 7’th but then gave up 2 runs each in the 8’th and 9’th inning. Got to close those games!

Bradley: Thursday: lead 1-0 going into the 6’th but then the starting pitcher tired and Murray State scored 6 runs in the 6’th, going on to win 9-3.

Friday: next verse, same as the first. It was only 2-0 going into the 6’th, and then came a 9 run 6’th inning. It was 3-0 and bases were loaded, and the relief pitcher lost his balance, leading to a balk. Then the next batter hit a home run and the dam had burst; it was 13-0 after 7.

Nice surprise: Barbara joined me at the Friday game.

Author: oldgote

I enjoy politics, reading, science, running, walking, (racewalking and ultrawalking) hiking, swimming, yoga, weight lifting, cycling and reading. I also follow football (college and pro), basketball (men and women) and baseball (minor league and college)

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