Done, sort of

Grades in, one committee meeting tomorrow, and I task done.

I did get in PT and a 7.3 mile walk : 1:12:20 at 5 (hilly out and back Bradley Park course), then 29:30 Moss and back (1:41:50) plus a Laura to Bradley loop on Cooper (1:45:44 or 14:29 pace). Kind of slow given how lovely the day was. Weighed 181.5 afterward.

Nothing hurt.


Well, one page to grade and I am getting tired. I should be done tomorrow before more stupidity on Thursday.

Walking: 3.27 miles to work, 1.3 over lunch all at a commuter pace (4.57 total)

Weights: PT, pull ups (rain storm) went has follows:

pull ups: 7, 10, 7, 10, 8+5 chin ups: 6, 7 for 60 repetitions Felt the burn.
bench press: 10 x 134, 4 sets of 4 x 155 (tough)
high incline: 2 sets of 10 x 85, 7 x 90 (all tied in) these hurt
curls: 3 sets of 10.

Yesterday: 5.2 miles at 14 minutes per mile (lower loop plus campus) and commuter of 2.4.

Note: radiating pain is way down…and I think it is a result of my being more strict with the high incline.