Bears and Trump

I’ve seen some ads for Trump and I thought a couple of them might be effective. No, I did not think to save them.

But here is the gist: they admit that Trump is flawed and they admit that some conservatives might not be able to stand him. But they get right to the point: “LIBERALS WILL DESTROY OUR COUNTRY” and tout judges, business deregulation and rampant wokeness and breakdown of traditional norms (the bad way..they mean)

They more or less concede that Trump is a horrible human being but he is what they have.

This election is a toss up; uncomfortably close.

And what does the other side offer: leftist students occupying college campuses, blocking roadways in some locations and…Bears?

About the bear thing:

A question floating around social media asks: Picture yourself alone and unarmed in the woods. Would you rather encounter a bear or a man? Nearly all women (and I truly have not been able to find one woman who disagrees, but let’s just say nearly all) choose the bear.

Wait, I need more. What’s the background here?

It’s unclear where exactly this debate originated, though some are crediting the viral TikTok news account Screenshot HQ, which posted a video of two hosts debating the topic last week. However, they seem to reference a conversation already in progress, so the first to posit this question is still a mystery.

Now of course, none of this is scientific and many of the women I know in my life find this ridiculous. And, of course, it is. True: men have raped and assaulted women, but, only a tiny percentage of men have. Nearly all bears would prove lethal.

But that isn’t really the point. What I think is going on: feminists like to conflate all ills done to women by men, from sexual harassment at the workplace to stranger rape. And they appear to argue that if men would only live by the script that feminists give them, the evil patriarchy would no longer exist and all of those ills would be gone.

Many men counter with the fact that stranger rape is done by sociopaths and they are hardly representative and they are NOT the fault of “all men” or even “most men.”

My opinion: yes, some things like sexual harassment or “hostile work environment” can be improved by a combination of training and peer pressure. There is research that appears to show that training can help reduce certain kinds of rape (sex with a woman too drunk to consent ..yes, I know..double standard but that’s unavoidable given the nature of human copulation )

But I doubt that the other kinds of rape and sexual assault can be improved. You can report him to the police and you can ostracize him. But you can’t do much more than that, realistically.

But when it comes to being angry that she chooses the bear, why?

Now in terms of politics: the D’s are over a barrel. Thank goodness the student protesters don’t like Biden. But you have the feminists (fired up about abortion but anti-male), racial and religious minorities, labor, etc…all with separate but conflicting agendas..everyone feeling as if they are taken for granted and each wanting to take their ball and go home.

Post I: workout and baseball

First the baseball game: nothing much to be said; it started out very well (3-0 Bradley) but it went downhill from there.

UIC has a good team: 30-13 overall, 13-7 in a tough Missouri Valley Conference.
BU is 12-32-1 (yes, one tie) and 1-9 at home. The team is trying but, well, circumstances are tough.

My workout: PT, deadlifts, 4.3 mile walk (W. Peoria via Moss plus a 1.2 Campus loop) in 1:02:05. First mile was predictably slow. Weather: glorious. Perfect.

The deadlifts: I was sort of a head case this morning:
low: 10 x 134, 10 x 184, 7 x 225, 7 x 225 (wanted to not bounce my reps)
Wagon wheel (4.25 inch) 5 x 255, 10 x 255
6 inch: 10 x 280

Legs were quivering and that was the goal.

Deadlifts: today went well.

The monster walks: this is part of my daily PT that is boring, time consuming and unrewarding, at least in the short term. There are no PB, PRs to set. But I do them anyway because I sure don’t miss being in pain 1/4 of a mile into walking.