Some days it just isn’t there

And today was one of those days. Pull ups: awful. I did 2 sets of 10 singles each (chins, pull ups), then sets of 5 (chins, pull ups) and it was a struggle. 50 reps.

Then downstairs: bench: 10 x 134, 7 x 145, 8 x 145, 7 x 145 (ok, not the worst I’ve done) high incline (careful) 10 x 80, 10 x80, 10 x 85 and deadlifts:
10 x 134 low, 10 x 184 low, 10 x 234 4 inch, then 1 x 280 6 inch (bailed..just not there).

Walked over lunch after eating. disaster; 5k at 15:06. No, I didn’t hurt myself and yes, I had a great walk yesterday.

I am at the point where “good, high energy workout one day” means being off the next day, even if the next day is a different kind of workout.

But I didn’t hurt myself and I weighed in at 183 so there is that.

And yesterday was “the talk” in the University Senate.