
More tasks…maybe I’ll write some social stuff in an upcoming post.

Pull ups: kind of rough today: 4 sets of 5 singles, then 6 sets of 5, followed by a 2-2-2 set. Not my best day. The middle days are tougher.

Downstairs: bench: 10 x 134, 10 x 145 (ok with this)
incline bench: 9 x 120, 10 x 120, 4 x 134 (ok with this)

shoulder press with dumbbells: 2 sets of 10 x 38 (seated, supported)

deadlifts: 1.25 inch deficit: 10 x 107, 10 x 133, 10 x 195
wagon wheel trap bar: 10 x 254 (works the quads better)

Then 4 miles (flat) at a 16 minute pace; the Moss course plus shady trecks through the neighborhood. I’ve noticed that since I started to include long days (long by my current standards) and “fast” days (again by my current standards), the off day paces have slowed down quite a bit.

Author: oldgote

I enjoy politics, reading, science, running, walking, (racewalking and ultrawalking) hiking, swimming, yoga, weight lifting, cycling and reading. I also follow football (college and pro), basketball (men and women) and baseball (minor league and college)

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