Steamboat eve

Tomorrow, Lynnor and I are doing Steamboat: 4 mile. She seems to want to hard, so we will see.

I’ve watched some Chiefs games. They ARE playing better of late: 4-2 vs Ft. Wayne (road series) and won their first 2 vs. South Bend 5-2 and 6-2. They are currently leading the continuation of Thurday’s game 5-4 (leading 3-0 when the game was suspended; I was at that one). I am staying home tonight to rest for tomorrow.

I’ve been working out too.

Wednesday: Weights then a 4 mile walk at 14:28 (which felt easy).

The weights: pull ups were a chore; 10 sets of 5 of various kinds (front, chin, mixed) then downstairs:

bench press: 10 x 134, 10 x 145 (best in a while)
incline press: 10 x 114, 7 x 125

shoulder press with dumbbells: 38 lb dumbbells 2 sets of 7

deadlifts: 10 x 107, 10 x 133, 10 x 195 (deficit), Wagon wheel: 10 x 255

Thursday: 2 mile warm up outside, 4 miles on the track (185.7 before the indoor portion): 13:19, 12:16, 11:34, 11:33 for 48:45. This is not sustainable for a 1/2 marathon.

Friday: broken in new shoes for a 2 mile walk (Moss course) at 15:20 minutes per mile. this came after weights:

pull ups (PT super set) 5-5 (pull, chin), 5-5 pull, chin, 10 pull ups, 5 and 5 (pull ups), 5-5 pull ups, then some pause reps: 3-3-3, 2-2 (too tired)

bench press: 5 x 134, 5 x 155, 5 x 155, 5 x 155 (better)

incline press: 3 x 134, 4 x 134

shoulder press: 3 sets: 6, 7, 7 x 38 lb dumbbells

curls: 3 sets of 10.

Author: oldgote

I enjoy politics, reading, science, running, walking, (racewalking and ultrawalking) hiking, swimming, yoga, weight lifting, cycling and reading. I also follow football (college and pro), basketball (men and women) and baseball (minor league and college)

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