An American view of Freedom

It came as a shock to some when the Cato Institute ranked the US as no. 17 in the world in “freedom”. The interesting thing is though, that they use several categories to rate “freedom” and not all of these resonate with many Americans.

That includes me. I’ll explain: when I hear “freedom” I think “freedom to.”

For example: in my city, you can’t burn leaves or trash. I, along with many Americans, view that as a RESTRICTION on freedoms. True: I consider it a wise and necessary one: such smoke stinks and can make others sick. So, in my view, that is a case where surrenders a bit of freedom for the public good, just as one does when one obeys a speed limit.

On the other hand, others would view the ban on trash/leaf burning as an ENHANCEMENT of freedom: freedom from pollution and freedom to be healthy.

I had the same view with COVID restrictions, mask mandates and vaccination mandates. I saw all of those as necessary and wise restriction on freedoms for the greater good (not make others sick). On the other hand, others would view these as enhancing “freedom from being made sick.”