Memorial Day thoughts, 2024

Of course, Memorial Day is to honor those military members who died in the lien of duty. So, strictly speaking, this does not pertain to me. But I have a few things to say anyway.

Yes, I served in the US Navy. But my contributions were, at best, minimal.

My dad served 23 years in the US Air Force and went to Vietnam twice. He made it back, with body, mind and emotions intact, though he had some emotional scars. How could he not have those?

The first time my dad left for Vietnam, I was a grade school kid and my mom held it together when he left and grieved in private.

The second time, my dad went for a short tour as a “replacement.” (ask yourself why a replacement might be needed) Dad did NOT want mom to wait with him at the airport (Yokota AFB, Japan) ; at his request, she dropped him off at the front. As we drove away, dad cast a long look at us and Mom was crying. (I was 14-15, I think). I was “it isn’t for that long of a time..” and Mom was more realistic “we HOPE not, Son.” “Dad will be ok, right?” “We HOPE so, Son.” Then the reason for Mom’s tears started to hit me.

Another time, Dad drove me to the Yokota airport to see off one of his friends who was going to Vietnam (as a “replacement”). We just sat with him and engaged in some small talk, just to keep him company. Only much later did it dawn on me why Dad did that.

Much later, while still in 8’th grade school, the end of the war was announced. We celebrated! NO ONE cared about “who won, who lost”; we were just happy that our dads wouldn’t be going there anymore (and it was dads in those days, at least at our school; it may have been different at other military bases).

So, as far as Memorial Day: I hope I live long enough to see a time where there will be no need for them any longer (as in, no more sending our young people out there to die or be maimed.) I know that is wishful thinking.

Anyway, I posted the Ray Charles version of America the Beautiful. We played that at Dad’s Memorial Service back in 2004. It was one of his favorite songs by one of his favorite singers. I always tear up when I hear it. The visuals in this version are also very powerful.

Author: oldgote

I enjoy politics, reading, science, running, walking, (racewalking and ultrawalking) hiking, swimming, yoga, weight lifting, cycling and reading. I also follow football (college and pro), basketball (men and women) and baseball (minor league and college)

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