Extra catch up/baseball

Here I’ll talk about the Chiefs Sunday game, then the Chiefs games on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Sunday’s afternoon 4-2 loss was a bad end to a brutal series to the Whitecaps. The Chiefs had good enough pitching and fielding to win most of the series games, but only scored a grand total of 10 runs for the 6 games. The lone win was a 1-0 win on Tuesday.

Tuesday: The Chiefs fell behind 4-0 after 1 and 6-2 in the top of the 6’th but rallied for 4 runs in the bottom of the 6’th. That is how it ended after 9 innings, but in the 10’th, the Kernels (one of the league’s finest teams this year) got 2 to win 8-6. It was a loss, but at least the Chiefs got some hits.

Wednesday: attendance was tiny..one of the emptiest I’ve seen it for a great weather game. Barbara went with me again. This one was close, low scoring affair with each team getting one run in the 1’st and 5’th. But in the bottom of the 9’th, the Chiefs got a runner to second and a chopping ground ball single drove in the winning run.

Thursday: This one was bizarre. The Kernels starter pitched 6 perfect innings and their reliever pitched 2 more. Meanwhile, it was batting practice for them. It was a humiliating 8-0 going into the bottom of the 9’th. But then the Kernel’s pitching fell apart. Walk, then a hit..and before you know it, the Chiefs loaded the bases. It turns out that the Chiefs got 5 runs and had a runner on base when the second Kernel reliever got a strike out.

I went from “maybe a perfect game for them” to “maybe an epic comeback for the Chiefs” to seeing a mundane 8-5 loss.

I’ll talk about the WNBA game in the next post.

Author: oldgote

I enjoy politics, reading, science, running, walking, (racewalking and ultrawalking) hiking, swimming, yoga, weight lifting, cycling and reading. I also follow football (college and pro), basketball (men and women) and baseball (minor league and college)

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